рус eng

Monday Menu




  1. Salad “Rainbow”
  2. Cheese
  3. Juice
  4. Sausage

1st Dishes

  1. Boiled meat
  2. Meat shanezhki
  3. Fish a la Zhiguli
  4. Steak


  1. Fresh vegetables
  2. Mashed potatoes
  3. Buckwheat
  4. Stewed vegetables

2nd Dishes

  1. Cottage cheese pudding
  2. Fruit
  3. Millet
  4. Cottage cheese curd tart with carrot
  5. Sponge cake

3rd Dishes

  1. Tea
  2. Coffee with milk



  1. Beetroot and apple salad
  2. Red caviar
  3. Salad “Neptune”

1st Dishes

  1. Meat cream soup with toast
  2. Fruit soup
  3. Cold meat soup with kvass (Okroshka)
  4. Soup a- la Suvorov

2nd Dishes

  1. Pork medallions
  2. Rice meat rolls with prunes
  3. Steamed meat schnitzel
  4. Baked fish with vegetables


  1. Slightly steamed vegetables
  2. Mashed potatoes
  3. Fried potatoes
  4. Baked vegetables
  5. Beans

3rd Dishes

  1. Stewed fruit
  2. Cranberry jelly


  1. Fruit
  2. Donut with nuts


1st Dishes

  1. Meat in sweet and sour sauce
  2. Salmon
  3. Steamed meat roll


  1. Steamed vegetables
  2. Boiled potatoes
  3. Boiled macaroni
  4. Fresh vegetables

2nd Dishes

  1. Cottage cheese cakes with sour cream
  2. Bun with cottage cheese
  3. Cabbage and apple cutlets
  4. Rice-milk
  5. Kefir